
Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Dirilis Ertugrul Season 5 Episode 05 Urdu Subtitles

 Dirlis Ertugrul Season 5 Episode 05 Urdu Subtitles

This is Episode Number 05 of  Dirlis Season 5 with Urdu Subtitles. EKDEIM FILM Gunduz, stop there! Hold n Gunduz do not ever let me see you raise your hand against a hatun. This Hatun has lied to all of us, father. It turned out that she's one of Umuroglus’ clan. She deceived all of us. While you were away, they stormed in our tribe. Of Umuroglus’ clan? You’re going ....

This is Episode number 5 of Season 5 with Urdu Subtitles. EKDEIM FILM Gunduz, stop there! Hold n Gunduz do not ever let me see you raise your hand against a hatun. This Hatun has lied to all of us, father. It turned out that she's one of Umuroglus’ clan. She deceived all of us. While you were away, they stormed in our tribe. Of Umuroglus’ clan? You’re going to inform me about everything that happened here Artuk Bey, get the wounded man inside And, you follow me in. Gunduz. You too, hatun He is alive. We must not leave any trace behind us. Remove him from here quickly. You go that way, and we will head in this direction. Don’t let either one escape with their life Why do you assume that Gunduz has slain your Alps, hatun? My father Umur Bey and I arrived to your tribe along with our Alps. We informed Hayme Hatun and Artuk Bey that our State has assigned this duty to us. Go on, continue. When they heard that we were here to collect taxes, they became furious. Gunduz Alp put his dagger to my father’s throat. And then they humiliated us and threw us out of the tribe. You entered our tribe in the style of Mongol marauders. Your father who went beyond his limits, tried to intimidate us with his words He tried to enter our tent without permission. He treated my grandmother with disrespect. And I, I only put him into his place. Gunduz And then Gunduz went ahead and slaughtered your Alps, didn’t he? Hatun.. with your assertion, you not only accuse Gunduz of murder... but also all the other Alps of the Kayi tribe. Carefully consider what the consequences of your words may be. There is no secret that eventually won t come to lie ht, Ertuc rul Be . You may bury it, but its seed will germinate somewhere and shoot up like a sapling. And when it does, no one will be able to predict who will drown in its blood. Aag A|AI Ata? Bey is in a stable condition. The Alps are at his side. He needs to rest for a while. When Ata$ Bey recovers, we will question him too, Artuk Bey. EyvAllah (as you say), my Bey.j Let me apply some ointment on your wound. Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim [In the name of Allah swt, the Merciful and the Compassionate]. And, where is Umur Bey9 He is taking his rest. And I don't know how I will stop him, once he hears about this Hatun.

I can understand your anger, Hatun. Your Alps have been killed. But unless you can prove your claims, this amounts to slander. A slander, is it? The arrow, removed from the back of Atag Bey, is a Turk's arrow. And when we came to your tribe, Gunduz Alp and Artuk Bey... have both, warned us off to stay away from the other tribes. And they have threatened us. After that, this all happened to us. Was Atag Bey able to tell you that he saw Kayi Alps and Gunduz. . there at the time of attack? The attackers had their faces covered. And, with regard to Gunduz Alp When he arrived here in Atag Bey's wake, his horse looked as it was ridden to death. What was your intention? Was it to finish what you started and kill Atag Bey like you did my Alps? Answer to me, where did you come from then? Gunduz tell us, where did you come from? Fath r I Fa her... Where did you come from, Gunduz? It's a good thing that you didn't give in and drop your arrow, brother Else that degenerate would have killed both of us. To begin with, this wouldn’t have happened if I didn’t persist to go hunting, brother. Father will be so angry with me. Of course, if we make it out of here alive. We will, brother. We will, evelAllah (by Allah). Where have you been, Gunduz? Do you expect me to believe the words of this liar, who couldn’t even say where he was? We were together. We went horse racing, my Bey. You went horse racing! That is a barefaced lie! iruiu q Lock Gunduz and Qagri in the cell. They are to remain there until this matter is resolved. Father, how can you comply with the words of this Hatun. .. who has deceived us all and who is now flinging mud at us? My Bey... Osman and Savci went hunting. Hayme Mother sent the word that they had not returned yet. They’ve gone hunting? Hunting ground is along the route leading to the Turkmen tribes, Bamsi. Then Osman and Savci might have landed right into the middle of that skirmish, my Bey. Translated by Melisa & Synced by Jimmy Watch More Turkish Shows with us on DirilisErtugrulKing.Blogspot.Com Father, with your permission I want to go with you. Translated by Melisa & Synced by Jimmy Watch More Turkish Shows with us on DirilisErtugrulKing.Blogspot.Com Translated by Melisa & Synced by Jimmy Watch More Turkish Shows with us on DirilisErtugrulKing.Blogspot.Com While my brothers are in danger, I can’t just wait in the cell, falsely accused. Translated by Melisa & Synced by Jimmy Watch More Turkish Shows with us on WLEXT NET Translated by Melisa & Synced by Jimmy Watch More Turkish Shows with us on DirilisErtugrulKing.Blogspot.Com Take them away, Dumrul. Father, don’t do this. Father, don't do it while my brothers are in danger! Father! Let me If anything happens to my brothers... I will have a terrible reckoning with you, hatun.

Possword: GunduzAlp

Keep that in mind Drop that bow down! Drop it down. I said! And your dagger Come over here. Brother, brother! Brother, come, regain your senses. Brother, wake up, brother. Open your eyes Come to yourself Brother! Open your eyes, brother Keep them in your sight. You're making a mistake, father! Because of one hatun's false accusations, you threw your son in the cell. My brothers are missing. I have to get out of here. Qagri. Qagri I cannot stay here. I have to get out. Take it easy, Gunduz. Password for this Episode is GunduzAlp. You will knock this place down I’ll collapse the whole world around their ears, if needs be. My brothers are missing. But I still ended up here because of that hatun’s slur. And even that would not be enough I can't stay here. I’m not staying here. If we violate Ertugrul Bey's order and run away, he will never forgive us, Gunduz. You stay here, Qagri. I will go on my ownJ Where are you going, Ertugrul Bey? There are things we need to talk to you about. So this is the legendary peace and safety of Sogut that is on everybody's tongue, ha? And you are the Bey of Principality of this Sogut, Ertugrul Bey. Do you only ensure your own safety and serenity? We've fallen on terribly hard times, since we came here. So, where is your authority as the Bey of the Principality? UmurB y neither my son Gunduz nor the Kayi Alps have killed your Alps I will find the killers whoever they were. Get out of my way, now Do not think that you will be able to save your son. And do not even think about trying to cover this up. Father. Stay out of this If you're not guilty of this crime, then... find the perpetrators within the shortest time possible. Or else, this Sogut in which you have invested and breathed new life in the course often years... I will turn into a graveyard for everyone, in just ten days. A g jnuifi whoever has tried to send us into our early graves... they are now lying in the graves they have dug up themselves. Know that evil words have a way of turning around and cutting down the one who has uttered them. I will tolerate these words because I understand your anger and pain. The Bey of Principality hereabouts .. . is me! I am the one to find those guilty of this crime and I am the one to draw their punishment. Now, stand aside and mind your own affairs. And do not get in my way. Let’s go, Alps. Well, we will see you, Ertugrul Bey, we will see. Where is Ertugrul’s son?

They put him in dungeon to keep him away from us. You will bring him to me And, I will interrogate him Let’s go. Guard. Yes, Gunduz Alp Open this gate. I will take all responsibility for this. I cannot do that. Ertugrul Bey has issued a strict order. What are you doing. Gunduz Alp7 Gunduz. don’t do it, Gunduz If I said I'd get out of here, then I will. Qagri. You will leave me in difficult straits, Girnduz Alp. Nothing will happen to you. Qagri, handle this You will get yourself into trouble, Gunduz. Is it more important than my brothers, Qagri? Handle this. Ah GunduzAlp, h Emir Bahaddin should find out who were those who attacked us. If he doesn’t, Hulagu Khan will impale him. Don’t forget, the chest has just breezed away from our hands. He will skin us alive, too. This is a trap. Deh! What is going on, Odur I do not understand. I don't know One is the Noker, but who is the other one? Commander Borgigin. I am the spy of Hulagu Khan, placed among Turkmen’s tribes. There are others coming this way, we have to leave here quickly. There are too many of them Commander Borgigin, we have to hurry up. Come on, let’s go. Deh! Deh! What are you doing here? Where is Gunduz Alp9 He is not here, he is long gone. Guards. There are no guards We have detained all of them. And now answer my question. Where has Gunduz Alp gone? Did Ertugrul Bey let him out7 He let himself out. I’d not say where he is, even if I knew. Besides, what is it to you? Go away! Ilbilge Hatun. There is the key. What do you think you re doing, hatun? You will see what Ijn doing.] Tell me where Gunduz is, or I’ll make it very bad for you. And what would you do? Send your Alps on me? There is no need for the Alps. I can deal with you myself. Answer to my question Where did Gunduz Alp go? Enough is enough, hatun! This is enough. Let him go. Gunduz Bey went in search of his brothers. He went in search of his brothers, did he? Is this another game? What game, hatun? He took the key from me by force. then he locked us here and left. You are going to pay for everything you’ve done. Alps, lock them in there again. Deh! Deh1 Deh' This is Savci’s horse. It seems he left his horse here and went into the woods on foot, my Bey We have to find them without delay, come on. Hurry up My Bey, these are Umuroglu s Alps. See if anyone is still alive. None of them is, my Bey. None They are all dead. My Bey, there are footprints leading that way Bamsi, assign some Alps the duty. They are to take back the bodies of Umuroglu’s Alps. EyvAllah (as you say), my Bey. Let’s follow this trail. Come on. Alps, gather the bodies and take them back to their tribe. Come on Come on Ah, Osm n Osman! Savci!

Who are they? Are they still following us? Yes, they are When we realized that they were after you, we followed them, to ensure your safety. You came just in the nick of time, Nokers. You’re very capable warriors. Whose unit you belong to9 To Kara Boru’s unit Commander Borgigin, Kara Boru died and ascended, and flew back to Tengri. [Mongol’s belief that good souls fly to the Sky] I know this place well, I know the bandits' haunts, and where the Alps hang around. We would like to escort you until you safely reach your destination. Obviously, these ones will still be after us. They’ll be useful to us since they know this area. And they are good warriors. Alright! Come with us, then. Come on, deh! Deh' Deh! Deli1 Osman! Osman! Savci! Osman! Osman! Savci! Osman! Osman! My Bey! The footprints go in this direction. Saved Osman! |U lUSQ These footprints here are smaller. They might belong to Osman or Savci. That way Come on, let’s move Osman! Savci! Osman! Saved Speak, Mara, what is it9 It's Gunduz, his father has thrown him into dungeon. What did you say? Umuroglu s Alps have been attacked. All of the Alps were killed. And the blame for that has been put on Gunduz. How can it be? Gundiiz would never do such a thing, Mara. When did it happen This morning This is a slander. This morning Gunduz was with me. You were there as well, Mara. He couldn’t have done that You are right, Madam. This must be a slander. His brothers, Osman and Savci went missing too. Ertugrul Bey and his Alps went looking for them. i mjust coming from bogut's Bazaar, l heard it there. O my Almighty God I need to go and see Gunduz. I will explain them everything. That Gunduz was with me today. I have to clear this black mark that stains his forehead. If you get involved in that mess, it may become worse. If they learn about your tryst, it won’t bode well for any of you. Besides, you will see that your father and Ertugrul Bey will find those responsible for this. One way or another, Gunduz will be set free anyway. I can’t sit idly while Gunduz is locked in a dungeon, Mara I will go and see him under some pretext. And after I talk to him, I’ll go and explain everything to Ertugrul Bey. I no longer care if anyone finds out about us. Inform them to get my horse ready. I'll come up with an excuse to get permission from my father. But I will go to Sogut! Osman! Savci' Osman' Saved Osman! avci! Osman! Saved Osman! |IOABS This blood is still fresh Whatever happened here, it happened only recently Alps Let's spread, Bamsi. We can find them only that way. They are somewhere nearby. Come on, let’s go, come on. Dumrul and Abdurrahman, you go in that direction. Alps. Come on, Alps, we will head this way. Come on. Osman! Savci! We will be saved, brother We will make it, hold on. That’s as far as you will go, children. Kill th m Both of them I’m here, my valiants! Father! How did they find us9 Attack them! Take this, my valiant. Protect yourself Father UBOISQ We've come, my Bey We’ve come, my Bey! My Bey' Ertugrul sooner or later we will meet again. Get going! Don’t go, wait! My Bey! My Savci. -My Bey Our father has come, brother Open your eyes, my father has come. Open your eyes, my brave-heart Osman, what happened, come on, tell us. ueiuso Save .

My Savci, my Savci. a Savci! Osman, I asked you what happened, just tell us! [went hunting, father^ My brother Savci became worried and he took out after me. We witnessed the attack on llbilge Hatun’s Alps We saw everything Then they went after us. Didn’t I forbid you to go hunting, Osman9 Why did you go against my orders? Why didn’t you abide by my word, Osman? F th r My Savci. - Brother1 My brave-heart He opened his eyes That’s my lion Are you well, brother? That’s my attaboy! Are you all right, son? I am fine, father Hey, Masha Allah to you, my lion. Hey, Masha Allah to you, that’sjnyjiqn. My valiant Come on, get him back to the tribe without delay. Let Artuk Bey attend to his wound. Come on. my brave-heart] Come on, my lion, get up Come on, off you go. And take Osman along, too. Go on. As you order, my Bey. Oguz, Gunkut, you two follow them Come on, go on, brothers My Bey, my Bey, what are we going to do? We have to hurry back to the Han, Bamsi. We have to inform llbilge Hatun and Umur Bey that... Gunduz is not responsible for this incident... and that they had set him up EyvAllah (all right), my Bey, eyvAllah. Let’s go What is it, Commander Borgigin? We cannot go to the Palace It might be dangerous for us there. We will send word to Emir Bahaddin and explain what happened. Then, we will meet him somewhere else. You are right Let's move further into the woods. And you, don't hang back. One of you move to the fore, the other keep the rear As you order Come on. Deh! istueg bring Gunduz to me now. I'll have him face Umur Bey and Iblilge Hatun, and see what happens. As you order, my Bey. What happened, Ertugrul Bey? Did you find the killers? Those who attacked your Alps, have attacked me and my sons as well. Their faces were covered. My Alps are in hot pursuit of them, now. So, the blood of my Alps remained unavenged. How did you have the nerve to show up your face to me... since you were not able to find the murderers, Ertugrul Bey! My sons, Osman and Savci have witnessed that attack. And they tried to kill them too, you know. Your son Gunduz killed my Alps And now, he has run away from the dungeon. While we are caught up in the middle of all this I am quite fed up with your lies, Ertugrul Bey. What are you talking about, Umur Bey? Where did you get the idea that Gunduz escaped from dungeon? My daughter saw it with her own eyes when she went there. And that Alp, his partner in crime, told her that he has ran away. And what were you doing in the dungeon, pray tell, llbilge Hatun? Father, what are you doing? Tell your Alps to drop their swords down. Sheath your swords. Secure the door. My daughter went to dungeon to bring your son to me. I was going to put him on trial and draw his punishment, myself. My Bey! My Bey, the dungeon has been stormed. They have set up a trap for you, my Bey. My Bey, my Bey, is everything all right with you? Either, you will order your Alps to bring your son to me. or only your dead body will get out of here. I will be the one who will draw his punishment. Remove his sword! Father! Now, you tell your Alps to drop their swords down.

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