
Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Dirilis Ertugrul Season 5 Episode 08 Urdu Subtitles

 Dirlis Ertugrul Season 5 Episode 08 Urdu Subtitles

This is Episode Number 08 of  Dirlis Season 5 with Urdu Subtitles. Will you go to Sogut? We will. I have to learn what’s going on in Sogut, before we get involved. First, we need to get them to talk, and then we II do away with them. Our Alps are furious, llbilge Hatun. I have hard time to pacify them. They cannot accept what has been done to us. They are waiting for ...

This is Episode Number 8 of Dirilis Season 5 with Urdu Subtitles. Will you go to Sogut? We will. I have to learn what’s going on in Sogut, before we get involved. First, we need to get them to talk, and then we II do away with them. Our Alps are furious, llbilge Hatun. I have hard time to pacify them. They cannot accept what has been done to us. They are waiting for your orders. I will speak to our Alps. Everybody have to calm down. Ertugrul Bey will conduct an investigation. No one is to make things difficult for them. Are we going to leave everything in Ertugrul Bey's hands? Will the man whose son is th murderer here, conduct an investigation? We are compelled to rely on him. And we will also pursue the matter. But, llbilge Hatun A tag Bey! Do what I said. This is my order. May you live long, may you live long Would that be enough9 Qagri What is the situation in the Han, did you learn it? Umur Bey has been killed in the Han. Are you aware of what you just said, Qagri? What does that mean? Who would do that? And, he has been killed with your dagger. They are searching for you everywhere. Damn it. He will get Gunduz. Those who have kidnaped me yesterday and took me to that cave stole my dagger... with the aim of putting the blame for the crime on me. I was forced to he to Bamsi Head-Alp. Go turn yourself in to your father before this matter goes any further. He knows that you are innocent. That’s impossible, Qagri, I can’t do that. Don’t you understand? The Seljuks State will get involved in this, too. They will want my head If I surrender myself to my father, he will. lock me in the dungeon until this matter is clarified. But I can't sit idly with my hands tied, Qagri. Valiant Alp, what happened in the Han? Who did that7 We will solve everything. Excuse me, now. Both traders and folks are worried. What are you going to do, brother? I am going to find out who killed the father of llbilge Hatun, Qagri. This is the only way to clear both, my father's and my name. I have to stay hidden until the light has been shed on this incident. But I need to get changed, first. Qagri, give me a hand here. I'm in hurry right now. Get out of my way. Ertugrul Bey has ensured the peace around here, for years now. Now, we are all afraid. What should we do, where are we to go, if our peace is disturbed? We have ensured the peace of this place, to this day. And, we will continue to do so, from this day forth Now, if you will excuse me! Gunduz, Dumrul Alp is coming right here. They have found us. May Allah perish them! Damn it What s going on, Dumrul Alp? You frightened the life out of me Whom do you have here. Qagri? It’s only me And, there are these leathers here, too. Well, I'm overwhelmed with work And, what are you up to? Dumrul Alp What are you looking for? Tell me, I’ll show you. I’m looking for Gunduz, Qagri. What would Gunduz be doing here?

Besides, I already explained to Bamsi Head-Alp. I haven’t heard from Gunduz If I have, I would notify my Bey right away. Move away, Qagri, just move out of my way. Osman? How did you... I secretly followed brother Qagri. Then I waited behind the shop, and when you left it, I went after you UBUISQ I did not kill either Umuroglu’s Alps or Umur Bey I have to stay free and abroad until I clear this slander. Don’t you dare tell anyone that you have seen me. I went after you in order to save you, not to spy on you, brother Come with me, let's go to my father together. He also knows that you are innocent. It's impossible. If I go to my father, he will lock me in dungeon till this matter is clarified. But I can't sit idly, with my hands tied Since they have set a snare for me, then... I’m obliged to solve it myself. In that case, I m going with you. I can’t let you go by yourself, since everyone is after you. Don't be silly, Osman. I'm not sure yet where and how I will hide. I can't endanger your life too. Do you remember what you say to me once, brother? You said. We are three brothers, we are three parts of one soul. When something happens to one of us, the other two burn too. If we are to resist tyranny, we have to keep together. If we're predestined to die, let us die together. Have you forgotten? And now I cannot leave you on your own. I’ve got a horse ready for you. Let’s go together. Brother, Alps are coming. How are you doing, Alps? You must be aware that... Bamsi Head-Alp is assembling all Alps. You should go to him, right away. You've gone and done it again, haven't you, Osman Come on, let’s move Be ready, Mergen. Noker Noker Go there and see why this man is calling. Speak up, what is it? What do you what to say, man? Follow me! Find the key, Mergen There is the key. To whom will you take the key? To Ertugrul Bey, who will make your life miserable in these lands. So, you are Ertugrul's men? You will see whose lives will be miserable in these lands. Ah' Ah None of you will die before the revenge is taken, you scum. You stepped on the path towards Al-Haqq, and... [the Absolute truth, Allah] you were instrumental in death of that baseborn Noyan, too. You are a brave man. EyvAllah (I am glad I did). I've spent so many years of my life in vain... alongside these evil-doers, Turgut. And now, praise be to Allah (swt)... I’ve been guided to the people who would show me the Truth. EyvAllah (we ll be honored) And now let's hurry to the tribe and deliver the key. We need to let them know about the issue with Teokles.

Possword: GunduzTestimony

What happened? Gunduz Gunduz has left Sogut. Moreover, he left accompanied by his brother Osman. I followed them, they went southward While we targeted Gunduz’s life, it seems that... Osman's life is now at stake too. Have one of our men go to Ertugrul. He is to tell him that he saw Gunduz and Osman. along the Caravan route, heading for the north. This is directly opposite to the direction that Gunduz and Osman took. Kara Bela is to ambush Ertugrul and his Alps along the route they will take. Whileon the quest to find his two sons... Ertugrul will be lured into a death trap. And, what about Gunduz and Osman? I’m going to see llbilge. I'll tell her that Gunduz was seen in the shop. Do you understand'7 You must show up in that shop, too. When llbilge comes, tell her that Gunduz just left the shop... and point her in the true direction he went. And llbilge’s rage and her sword will take care of the rest. As you order, Sir May the feast of death and blood begin. We spent the whole night ascertaining the taxes... that merchants must pay, my Bey. Then at sunrise, I went to my house to get some sleep. Have you noticed some suspicious activities during that time? I didn't, my Bey. Whoever they are. they must be persons close to us. Has there been any incident lately that aroused your suspicions, Mikis? On their way back from Constantinople, we welcomed. both of them as our guests. Don't worry, they are safe with our men. You have a choice, either to go and see your family. or you may go inform your Ertugrul Bey about all what happened here. But if you do that... you can neither save them nor yourself from a certain death. I asked you something, Mikis. Has there been any incident lately that aroused your suspicions? No, my Bey, there hasn’t been any. Whoever is behind this, he is someone from our immediate vicinity. I want a detailed report on everyone who frequented Sogut and Han and... who did trade here in last year, with every single name listed. Record all of these. And hand your report over to Bamsi. We will expand our investigation. As you order, my Bey. My Bey, this man said that he saw Gunduz. Where and when did you see him, tell us? I saw him along the caravan route leading to Sogut, Ertugrul Bey. They were heading towards the North. Osman was at his side, too Osman, too? So Osman has joined Gunduz, too. They passed by me very fast. When I got here I heard that you're looking for them I decided to notify you. EyvAllah (you did well). isiueg Tell our Alps to get ready. Ready the horses, we’re going out. Go on, hurry up, come on As you order, my Bey. As you order.

I’m obligated to you. You welcomed us in your tribe and took care of us You enabled us to hold our father’s funeral. in accordance to the customs of our religion. We are so very grateful to you. Would it be possible otherwise, my girl? This's our duty. If there is anything else you need, do not hesitate to see me. May you enjoy good health. Aslihan, my daughter, take Nea to our tent. I got the meal ready for you, you may share it together. Go on. -As you say, mother. Come on, let's go. Nea. Evdokya. My daughter Artuk Bey made some investigations into the cause of your father's death. Yes, and did he find anything? Your father’s death was not due to natural causes. His healing potion has been poisoned. How could that be? Who would do such a thing? Who would poison our father’s healing potion, who? Myd ught r please, calm down. Whoever did such an evil deed... will be punished for sure. We took you under our wing. You are not unprotected. I still cannot understand. How something like that could happen, I can’t fathom it! Evdokya.. why these men have abducted you? Don't you know anything at all? My daughter, tell us anything there is, so that... we may get to the bottom of this matter. For, all these recent events are interrelated. None of them were familiar to me. And, I don’t know where they intended to take us. Password for this Episode is GunduzTestimony. I don't know anything other than that. Did your father explain to you what was going on? If you’ll excuse me. I wish to be alone. My Bey, we sent word to our mounted patrol. They II comb the whole area, too. EyvAllah (well done), Bamsi. My Bey I heard you are going to look for Gunduz Alp. I hope you bring him back safely. I will keep you in my prayers. EyvaUah (thank you), Bell-ringer Deh! Deh1 Off you go, Ertugrul At the same time when you are riding towards your own death. your son will meet his end at the hand of llbilge. We will not allow our grief to lead us to despair. Our tribe is not without its head. From now on, my father's duty is my responsibility. My order is as follows. As from tomorrow, we will start collecting taxes. We will be visiting the other tribes] The duty given to us by our State is our honor. Everything will be done precisely I don’t want any sloppiness on your part. As you command, llbilge Hatun. Off you go. Everyone go back to your duties. What’s going on, Bell-ringer? It’s Gunduz Alp He has been spotted in one shop. I assumed that he was brought here, so I just came to check. What are you talking about? What shop? I guess, Ertugrul Bey... must have been hiding him there. ow come?

He said he didn't know where he was. I told you that we shouldn t trust them, llbilge Hatun. You stay in the Han, Atag Bey Look after the Alps. Where is this shop? Where is this killer? Search the place! These garments belong to Gunduz. e was here. Bell-ringer was right. What are you doing here9 As a matter of fact, what are you doing here? This is my shop. Do you make your shop available to the fugitives from the law? How much gold coins did Gunduz pay you to stay here? I swear I did not know that he was here. I only saw them when they were leaving my shop. Where did they go? If I tell you, Ertugrul Bey would kill me As a matter of fact, if you don't, I’ll kill you. Where did he go? I will tell you. He left together with Osman. Where did they go? Speak up, man They went out through the back door in the bathroom. They were heading southward. Don’t tell Ertugrul Bey that you heard this from me, I beg you. Else, he will kill me. We will find the killer together, llbilge Hatun. And, we will administer the justice together. You lied to me again, Ertugrul. This time, that killer son of yours won't escape my hand. Let’s go, Alps. Yah' Yah Yah Who were they, and what they wanted from my father, sister? Why would they wish to poisonhim? We need to leave here so we can find it out, Nea. Why do we have to leave here, sister? And besides, where could we go? My father told me that we must get to Tekfur’s place. That our only salvation is there, right now. You you have found your necklace, Nea. Wh n did you find it? Did you go into the woods to get it without telling me? No I didn t I told Osman that I lost the necklace. And, he found it and brought it back to me Why is this necklace so important? Why did father say that it is our only salvation? These are the things we have to find out, Nea. And the only one who can answer these questions is Tekfur. Why don't we tell Ertugrul Bey about this, sister? They are good people We can trust them. We’ve caused enough troubles for them, as it is, Nea. Moreover, we can’t completely trust anyone other than Tekfur, right now. Our lives are in danger while we’re here. We will get out of here... without anyone being the wiser This is our only hope. We will leave the tribe quietly. Come on. How do we get out of the tribe, sister? I'm very much scared. Take it easy, sister, I am at your side. Ertugrul Bey and most of his Alps are gone from the tribe, now. Now is the right time Hold on tight to my hand and don't let it go. Keep the girls in your sight. Else, Dragos would finish us off. Come on. Go back, Osman. I can't take you with me. Do you want to be accused of complicity in the charges against me, Osman? Or to be the victim of these killers? I may die, but I won’t leave you alone, brother. Osman, listen to me. Turn around and go back, I said. I can manage on my own, from now. Besides, father will be worried about you. This is my affair. There’s no such thing as your affair or mine, brother, don‘tyou know? It's ours How can I just turn around and leave you? You're my blood, my soul. I ell me: die and l will die. but it you tell me to go, you can only be rid of me if you kill me. We need to get to the cave on the hill’s slope before nightfall. We need some food in order to spend the night there. You wait in the cave, brother, you must not be seen out, in the open. I will go to the tribe and bring us something. But when I go to the tribe you will not just disappear, won’t you No brother, for I'm convinced now that you will not get off my tail.

Go then and come back quickly, I will wait for you in the cave. As you say, brother. Deh1 Doh1 The prints go in the direction of that hill, llbilge Hatun This road leads to the cave. So, they mean to spend the night there. Even if you go to the other end of the world, I will find you. Come on, Alp Heyt! Let’s go Come on1 You left enough marks for Ertugrul to come this way, did you? Don’t worry, Kara Bela, they will fall into our trap on their own. Excellent. Warriors of our Sacred Cause, the moment we have been waiting for is here We will take Ertugrul's life. All of them are going to die. Come here, Ertugrul, just come. I'm very tired, sister. Do we need to walk much further? Hang in there a little longer, Nea, we are almost there, sister. Nea. I’m so very tired, sister. We are almost there, sister, hold on, will you? Catch them, quickly! Nea, run! Be fast! Run' Faster! Run! Gunduz Alp Drop your sword, you killer! I'm not a kill r' Don’t you understand? Go and hunt the real killers. You think you can run away from me9 Neither you nor your father could escape from me anymore. Osman! Gunduz' Gunduz! Osman! Gunduz! Osman1 Gunduz! Osman! Osman! Gunduz! The mud is wet, the prints are fresh. In that case, they can’t be far from here, my Bey. Be rea y Yellow dogs! They’ve lied in wait along our path, just like jackals Where did they come from? On the offensive, Alps! Ya Allah Get hold of him, I want him alive Run, Nea. Sister! I'm very much afraid No, no! Nea! Let go of us! What do you want from us? Turgut Bey9 I know that you escaped from the tribe to go to Tekfur Yannis. And now you are going to tell me everything...from the very beginning. But. do not even think to lie to me. Don't force me to spill blood, hatun! Have you not spilled enough already? I've had enough of this. You killed my father and my Alps. You will not run away again. Come on, Alps Ah' When brother Savci and I fought to protect ourselves in the woods... the faces of all men were covered. But, I saw something. What did you see? One of those men had a tattoo on the back of his hand. It looked like a scythe So, it was you who attacked my sons?

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